

Amount Raised this Month: USD $135.00 / Target: $10,000.00

Help us preserve Africa’s wildlife for future generations to enjoy.
100% of your donation will go directly to any of our projects that you choose (we fund our operating costs separately). Or if you prefer, we’ll select the project for you. Either way, you can be assured that your contribution will have a positive impact on conservation in Southern Africa.

There are several ways you can donate to SATIB Conservation Trust:

Ways To Donate

US Dollar account: Southern African Conservation Trust, Swift Code ABSAZAJJ, account number 647875-USD-1057-01.

PayPal account: (reference: Project Name).

As an international sponsor, you will receive an invoice as confirmation of your sponsorship.

Please inform one of the following of your sponsorship – giving your name and preferred contact

South African donors are able to receive tax exemption on their donations to SATIB Conservation Trust. Please contact us here to request a Section 18A SARS receipt.

If you would like to discuss your donation to SATIB Conservation Trust, please email us:

Thank you for your support!